Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Hannah Meeting Stephenie

Having an adopted child has been a blessed, but sometimes crushing experience.  
This little person wrapped up in brown skin with soft curls had laughter that came from her toes. She filled our world with joy previously undreamed of.  

We would actually  miss her after putting her to bed as a nine month old. After waking her up to play with her for just a few minutes, she would happily go back to sleep again. A few years later, that became an absurd memory when we were sleep deprived with two more babies.  But that’s the way it was with Hannah Jean.  Joy.  True, real, and lasting. She was a gift from heaven.

As the reality of what adoption meant sunk into her happy bones, an ache settled along with it.  Being raised by us meant that there were other people out there to whom she was connected.

She began to gaze with longing at “brown people” and wonder where her biological family might be. Questions about them didn’t live on the surface, but pulsed within her, occasionally making their way to the top. She had questions which needed answers and emotions which needed validation.
She had a beautiful heart, this Hannah Jean, filled to the brim with talent.  Maybe the ache inside of her found expression as she  danced, drew,  and sang.  It all flowed out of her naturally.

Each of us have something we are waiting for; Hannah waited to meet Stephanie, her birth mom. 

Love isn’t always easy.  It chooses to trust and believe that it will be okay to take the risk.  To share the name Mom or Dad.  Oh, but love rejoices to see hope fulfilled.
One of the sweetest moments of my life is captured here when Hannah and Stephanie finally met.  It says it all.


  1. wow. Tears flowing down my cheeks. So tender. So raw. So beautiful. Thank you for sharing this. Still crying. Words...? can't find. You are loved.

  2. Dear Patti and Hannah, what an amazing moment. I can't believe I've never seen this...

  3. Dear Patti and Hannah, what an amazing moment. I can't believe I've never seen this...
