Sunday, December 5, 2010


After writing my previous post, opening the door to my sordid past, I experienced something I do not like.  Though it was delayed, it made its way full force to my unsuspecting heart:  vulnerability.  
Life is so much easier when we play it safe.  Insulating ourselves from our own pain, and that of the world, it could be tempting to live a life of sterile numbness.  No pain, no great joy, just safe, monotonous, risk-free living.
There are times when I am on the edge, having said yes to something outside my comfort zone, and I’ll be wondering just before I get up in front of a bunch of people,  how in the heck do I get into these situations??  But the answer is pure and simple.  I don’t just want to live my own life in my own house with my own family in my own comfort for my own pleasure.  Man, it’s tempting to do so because I am mightily blessed with the best.  My husband, my home, and my kids (not to mention my horses) surround me with great joy. 
Before investing in the stock market, one must assess their own tolerance for risk and make sure the stress of potential loss can be handled.  The hope for gain is proportional to the risk taken.  So it is with life, and some things are worth the risk.  Like being known. So every once in a while I open a door that could hopefully bring hope to a mom whose daughter has run away. Or maybe the aloneness of  shame and guilt can find healing in the safe light of camaraderie.  I know few people who have actually experienced some of the things I have walked through, but many have found identification and help from me sharing mine.  There’s value in that. In fact, other than relationships, what value is there, anyway?
I’m so glad Jesus took the ultimate risk.  He saw true worth and laid His life down for something of value:  relationship with you and me.
Yes, He is the example we are to follow…..may we see value when it’s staring us in the face, and go searching for it when it’s not.  

Vulnerability?  You are worth the risk.


  1. Where there is great risk, there is great reward!! Thanks for sharing Patty. I have always looked to you as a woman with great wisdom and heart for God as well as her family! Love you!

  2. Yes! And what a cool picture!!!
