There are times in life when I am amazed by the kindness of God. The following little story is one such moment. heart emoticon
About 23 years ago, after running errands in Tyler, I decided to take my young daughters to lunch at The Olive Garden. They were very small, about one and three years old. It was a special treat for all three of us.
During the long wait for our food, we passed the time by coloring kid menus and doing the little activities printed on them. Their sweet attitudes caused my heart to swell as they attempted to act like little ladies in the nice restaurant. My parents lived across the country, and as a daughter myself, I had a pang for my own mother. "I wish Mom could see how sweetly they're behaving," I thought.
Within 20 seconds, an elderly woman came over to our table. She laid down a one dollar bill in front of Hannah and another in front of Abby.
"You girls are behaving so nicely, I just want to give each of you a dollar! What good little girls you are!”
Although my daughters were a little young to understand the monetary value of a dollar, I was flabbergasted by the immediate response from my Father. He showed me once again that day that He is a God Who Sees.
Wasn’t that kind of Him?
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